Turizm ve İşletmecilik Dergisi
Abbreviation: JTM | ISSN (Online): 2757-7791 | DOI: 10.29329/jtm

Derleme Makalesi    |    Open Access
Turizm ve İşletmecilik Dergisi 2024, Vol. 5(1) 62-83

Digital Transformation in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Türkiye and Mediterranean Countries

Sevgi Sezer & Oğuzhan İlban

pp. 62 - 83   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/jtm.2025.1107.5

Publish Date: Aralık 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 12  |  Number of Download: 12


This study delves into the burgeoning realm of digital transformation in the tourism sector, with a specific focus on Türkiye and Mediterranean countries. The significance of this study lies in its relevance to a region where tourism is a critical economic and social driver, and where digital innovation can significantly enhance competitiveness and sustainability. The methodology of the study is multi-faceted, involving an analysis of current digital trends in the tourism industry, case studies from various Mediterranean countries including Türkiye, and interviews with industry experts and stakeholders.  The findings of the study underscore the vast opportunities that digital transformation presents for the tourism industry in Türkiye and the Mediterranean.  The study also highlights the significant role of digital platforms in promoting sustainable tourism practices, an increasingly important consideration in the region. However, the study does not shy away from the challenges of digital transformation. Furthermore, the study examines the impact of digitalization on employment in the tourism sector, noting both the potential for job creation in tech-driven roles and the risk of job displacement due to automation. The study concludes with a set of recommendations for policymakers and industry leaders in Türkiye and Mediterranean countries.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, Tourism Industry, Mediterranean Region, Sustainable Tourism, Technological Innovation

How to Cite this Article

APA 7th edition
Sezer, S., & Ilban, O. (2024). Digital Transformation in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Türkiye and Mediterranean Countries. Turizm ve İşletmecilik Dergisi, 5(1), 62-83. https://doi.org/10.29329/jtm.2025.1107.5

Sezer, S. and Ilban, O. (2024). Digital Transformation in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Türkiye and Mediterranean Countries. Turizm ve İşletmecilik Dergisi, 5(1), pp. 62-83.

Chicago 16th edition
Sezer, Sevgi and Oguzhan Ilban (2024). "Digital Transformation in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Türkiye and Mediterranean Countries". Turizm ve İşletmecilik Dergisi 5 (1):62-83. https://doi.org/10.29329/jtm.2025.1107.5

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